Welcome to Nordic Maintenance Services!
Nordic Maintenance Services (NMS) has since 1993 been in the aviation market and served airlines, private owners and governmental operators with their part, purchase and maintenance needs. Today we have many satisfied customers around the globe which relies their operation in our hands.
We offer our customers the “little extra” to translate their needs into practically possible and economical solutions. Our company is very active in the general and commercial aviation market and can assist you with all your maintenance and parts needs. We can assist you with locating parts, overhaul and repair of several parts in house or at customer site, refurbishment of aircraft and helicopter interiors, avionics installations, engineering services and a number of component repair packages.
Our extensive and current experience in general and commercial aviation market and our certified staff and partners guarantee the quality of all products and works done by us. As a distributor of several producers of the aircraft and helicopter parts we can offer you different opportunities to satisfy all of yours or your customers’ needs.
We are the parts and maintenance organization which can offer high quality aircraft and helicopter maintenance and support for smaller and medium size operators. Our goal is to provide a full service with customer focus, team-work, quality, flexibility and on-time delivery.
Nordic Maintenance Services (NMS)
J. Arvidsson